English publications
7 publications
In constant euros, social protection spending is stable on average in Europe in 2023 and decreases in France
In 2023, spending on social protection benefits represented an average of 26.6% of GDP in the EU-27 and 31.5% of GDP in France, with marked differences between geographical areas: Northern and Western European countries allocate more resources to social protection than Eastern European countries.
Health expenditure in 2023 – Results of the health accounts – Edition 2024
The French Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) publishes ‘Health expenditure in 2023’. This panorama presents the health accounts, that quantify all health expenditure at the national level, analyses their results in 2023, and places them in an international perspective.
Complementary health insurance: more reimbursements for hearing aids and dental care after the 2019 health care reform
Five years after the previous edition, the 2024 issue of the Panorama La complémentaire santé provides a comprehensive description of the complementary health insurance sector in France. It describes recent developments in the population's coverage for complementary health care, the activity of complementary health insurance companies and organisations, and the coverage offered by insurance plans.
Hospitalisations for self-harm in France: an unprecedented increase among adolescent girls and young women in 2021 and 2022
Over the past fifteen years, the number of hospital admissions for self-harm (including attempted suicide and self-inflicted injuries) has shown markedly different trends based on age and gender.. Among young women aged 10 to 24, these admissions have risen sharply since late 2020. Conversely, for individuals aged 30 to 55, both for men and for women, the number of such admissions has steadily[...]
- Health care system
Young children from low-income households are more exposed to air pollution, more vulnerable and therefore more affected by air pollution
A study of air pollution-related health inequalities in young children shows that, in addition to differences in exposure that disadvantage young children from the richest and poorest households, there are large differences in vulnerability to air pollution that disadvantage the poorest.
COVID-19: third leading cause of death in France in 2020, while other major causes of death decline
In 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak resulted in 69,000 deaths in France (10.4% of deaths), making it the third leading cause of death for that year. Just over half of the COVID-19 victims were 85 years old or above, with men who died of COVID-19 being younger, on average, than women. The most common causes of death in 2020 were still tumours (25.6%) and cardiovascular diseases (20.2%). However, the[...]
- Health care system
Chronic diseases more often affect those on low incomes and more significantly reduce their life expectancy
Between 2016 and 2017, the poorest 10% in France more often developed a chronic disease than the wealthiest 10%, with comparable age and sex: 2.8 times more cases of diabetes, 2.2 times more liver or pancreatic diseases, 2.0 times more psychiatric conditions, 1.6 times more chronic respiratory diseases, 1.5 times more neurological or degenerative diseases and 1.4 times more cardiovascular diseases[...]